Chapter 294: An Unexpected Encounter with an Old Friend in Demon-suppressing City (3000)_1

Hearing this, A'Qing didn't seem disappointed; instead, she vigorously rubbed her face.

She quickly undid the Illusion Shaping Formation.

Her facial features became even softer than before.

From an effeminate, pale-faced young scholar, she instantly transformed into a charming and pretty young girl.

Xu Qing'er stuck out her tongue at Shen Yi, "I just knew Big Brother Shen had spotted it long ago!"

A Transcendent Cultivator has the capability to protect a nation from invasion, let alone a mere family.

With Big Brother Shen protected by a Transcendent Spirit Golden Body elder, the fact that he rejected the offer without even asking suggested that he knew very well the identity of the power wanting to harm his family.

Only an Immortal Sect like Mysterious Light Cave could render a Golden Body Dharma Identity powerless.

"You guys..."

Xu Wanyun stood by, dumbfounded.

The scene before her didn't fit at all with what she had learned from the books.