Chapter 299: Slaying the Golden Eyes Lion Emperor (combining two battle chapters)_2


The colorless great sun smashed entirely into the cranium of the Lion Emperor.


This time, its howl was somewhat hoarse, as the golden light within its eyes scanned the surroundings chaotically.

Wherever the golden light passed, be it mountain ranges or cliffs, all were fiercely blasted to pieces.

The Golden Body Dharma Identity calmly positioned itself in front of Shen Yi.

Using its body to block the golden light.

Within the crisp crackling sounds, the right arm of the Golden Body shattered, and its entire form was once again covered with cracks.

Yet, it showed not the slightest hesitation, lunging toward the Lion Emperor instantaneously to attack!

Seizing one of the opponent's hind legs with both hands, with a tearing sound, it ferociously ripped it off!

The Golden Eyes Lion Emperor scrambled away, heading towards the raggedly dressed elder.