Chapter 302: Stealing the Precious Treasure, No Way Out Ahead_2

"Go to hell!"

The Youwei Demon Emperor cursed furiously, no longer bothering with him, and swiftly flew toward the cave dwelling.

His own tail was almost being plucked out, and only now did he sense something amiss, wondering who was playing tricks to conceal their presence.

"Trying to leave?"

Yu Chao'an adjusted his breath slightly and continued the chase.

He too noticed something was off.

But that was fine, he was here to cause trouble for the old demonic beast anyway, the more irritated the other party became, the more excited he was.

He clapped his hands together.

Out from the Storage Treasure came two red curtains, which, like a bolt of bright red silk, billowed in the wind and directly wrapped up the Demon Emperor.

"The Master hasn't had enough fun yet."

"Out of my way!"

The Youwei Demon Emperor struggled furiously, emitting a long howl toward the mountains!

The gales raged and the mountain peaks shuddered.