Chapter 1: Marry Me! Crossing

Lanling was a third-year art student at a key university and was nineteen years old.

He had decided, he was going to confess his love to Lankou, his sister, and propose to her!

Ever since he was young and began to understand his feelings, he had harbored a secret crush on her. She was the most perfect woman in the world. Her beauty, her eyes, every slight movement, and the curve as she turned her slender waist—every action of hers intoxicated Lanling.

He dared not speak up ordinarily, but sometimes he would reveal his feelings in his sleep talking.

Of course, she was not Lanling's biological sister, and they had no blood relation.

Lanling was an orphan, with no knowledge of who his parents were. But he was fortunate to have been adopted at the age of four.

He was adopted on the ninth day of September, so he decided to make that day his birthday.

His memories of the day he was adopted had become rather vague; he only remembered a very beautiful sister with exceptionally large eyes following behind his adoptive parents.

After he was adopted, Lanling lived a happy and warm life. His adoptive parents, as well as his sister—who was seven years older—treated him very, very well, especially his sister, who was willing to give him anything.

However, the happiness did not last. When Lanling was seven years old, his adoptive parents died in a car accident.

Lanling became an orphan once again, and Lankou also became an orphan at the age of fourteen.

Lanling was to be sent back to the orphanage, while Lankou was supposed to live with her aunt. However, Lankou held on to Lanling and refused to let go, so Lanling ended up going to the unfamiliar house of their aunt.

Life in the new home wasn't great. The unfamiliar aunt and uncle were not very nice to Lanling or Lankou. Moreover, they already had a ten-year-old son who often bullied Lanling. Lankou would fight with her aunt's son to protect Lanling, often arguing and even fighting.

After enduring two years, Lankou, at the age of sixteen, took Lanling and left their aunt's house to return to their own home.

From that day on, sixteen-year-old Lankou dropped out of school. She had to support not only herself but also nine-year-old Lanling.

For ten years, the siblings relied on each other for survival. Lankou supported both of them with her own hands and even sent Lanling to attend the art department of a key university.

Now, Lanling was nineteen years old, in his third year of university, and would graduate the following year.

Meanwhile, Lankou was twenty-six, at the most beautiful age for a woman. She truly was beautiful; both her face and figure were one in a million. After reaching eighteen, she had countless admirers.

But a few months ago, her gorgeous face was ruined when a rich heir who was spurned in love hired someone to throw acid on her face. Although Lankou managed to dodge quickly, half of her face was completely disfigured.

Her once enchanting face that everyone adored had become one people feared.

The perpetrator was caught and sentenced to a few years in prison. However, the person behind the crime remained at large.

A gentleman may take revenge after ten years, but Lanling could not wait that long. He had carefully observed and mastered the routine of that rich heir. He had also planned out three schemes, all leading to the same result.

Kill him, and then escape unscathed!

He had made all the preparations, just waiting for the rich heir to appear where he was supposed to. After killing the rich heir, he would propose to Lankou.

But there was not enough time, as Lankou, after leaving the hospital, was deeply depressed. Her charming smile was gone, she began to avoid seeing anyone, even him, and she was gradually entertaining thoughts of suicide.

So, he decided, regardless of societal views, he was going to confess his love to Lankou, to propose to her sooner.

This was not out of pity, but out of pure love. No matter what she looked like, Lankou was the most perfect woman in his eyes.


Tomorrow was Lankou's birthday, and tonight there happened to be a once-in-a-century meteor shower. Therefore, he intended to create a special and splendid confession video.

Lanling climbed to the highest mountain with his DV, for the air was clearest here, allowing a view of the falling meteors.

Atop a mountain a kilometer high, there was no air pollution, and all the bright stars were clearly visible against the dark sky.

The centennial meteor shower was indeed a breathtaking sight, with gorgeous meteors streaking across the sky from time to time.

Lanling waited, for he had heard that at midnight the meteor shower would peak, with several meteors crossing the sky at once.

While waiting, he contemplated his confession to Lankou. He was quite good with words. He had already thought of three versions, but he hadn't decided which one to use. At the same time, he fantasized about Lankou's reaction to his confession.

She must like him, right? Otherwise, why hadn't she accepted anyone's pursuit over the years? Perhaps she too feared the gaze of society.

Moreover, Lankou seemed to blush with both shyness and joy for a few days after hearing him talk in his sleep about his feelings.

Midnight arrived!

Indeed, the climax of the meteor shower came, creating a dreamlike scene with more than a dozen meteors making their appearance, each tracing a path across the sky.

Standing in front of the DV with the meteor shower as his backdrop, Lanling began his confession.

He had already conceived three romantic and passionate versions, but now, he was so nervous he forgot them all, unable to recall a single word.

Despite confessing to the camera, Lanling was as nervous as if he were truly standing in front of his sister. He had not even been this nervous when he disguised himself to travel thousands of miles to a small factory to buy chemical toxins.

But the meteor shower was fleeting. Lanling took a deep breath and said, "Sister... Lancome, I love you, marry me. I swear on the falling stars to take care of you for life, to make you happy..."

Just then, one meteor in particular shone exceptionally bright, twinkling with golden light as if carrying an eerie energy. It flew from the horizon, getting closer and closer to Lanling.


The moment Lanling finished his confession, the eerie meteor crashed directly onto his head.

In an instant, Lanling vanished into thin air, his body completely disappearing without a trace.

Several days later, Lanling's school reported to the police that the third-year student, Lanling, had gone missing. When the police visited Lanling's home, they found that his older sister Lankou was also missing without a trace. There was a volleyball-sized hole in the wall of the house with signs of having been scorched by extremely high temperatures.

Afterward, the disappearance of Lanling and Lankou was classified as a top-secret event. All their personal information in this world was completely destroyed.


When Lanling woke up again, he was already in a strange world. It was still on a mountain, but definitely not the mountain where he had been watching the meteor shower.

Moreover, he didn't recognize many of the plants here.

The most critical thing was, at night, he saw two moons, one large and one small. At first, he thought his eyes were playing tricks on him, and after rubbing them hard, there were still two moons in the sky.

At that moment, he still thought it was a unique astronomical phenomenon. But during the day, he saw an animal that completely dispelled his wishful thinking.

Because he saw a griffin, a huge Griffin Beast flying high in the sky. Such a creature did not exist on Earth and was only found in legends.

Following that, he saw another beautiful yet extremely timid animal, a unicorn!

So, he was completely certain that he had traveled to another world.

The meteor had struck him and brought him to this unfamiliar world.

Instantly, Lanling could not accept the reality of his transmigration; he was nearly completely overwhelmed by it.

He desperately searched all over the mountains, trying to find a portal back to Earth. Because on Earth, there was the person he loved most; he still had to propose to his sister, had to take care of her for a lifetime, and wanted to have two or three children with her.

There was also that rich second generation; he wanted to go and kill him.

"Damn you, heavens, you damned Heavenly Father, send me back, send me back!"

Lanling frantically searched for the nonexistent portal, cursing the heavens in his despair.

After ten days of frenzied searching, he gradually realized that it was probably impossible for him to return. He would never be able to go back.

He started to feel disheartened and found a cave where he lay motionless. Every moment of every day, his thoughts were filled with memories of his sister.

He missed every look in her eyes, every expression, and every word she had ever said to him.

Each image played through his mind like a movie. In these memories, he was absolutely certain that his sister loved him. The looks in her eyes and her tone of voice revealed it all, it's just that he had been too naive before and failed to see it.

Moreover, there was that one time when he had secretly kissed her and touched her while she was sleeping, making her cheeks turn red. He had just deceived himself, thinking that she didn't know because she had been asleep at the time.

Recalling these images filled Lanling's heart with overwhelming sweetness and, at the same time, immense pain.

In this mix of painful and sweet memories, Lanling, exhausted to the utmost, finally fell into a deep sleep. It seemed that only in sleep could this pain be alleviated.

Perhaps, he could have a good dream.

Lanling fell into an unprecedented deep sleep, and gradually, he seemed to truly enter a mysterious dream.

In the world of the dream, it was first complete darkness, then a faint light appeared.

This glimmer of light flickered gently, filled with a mysterious energy aura, undulating lightly as though breathing, almost as if it had life.

Lanling observed this strange and enigmatic glow of energy carefully.

"Hello, my new host." The energy light spoke, of course not audibly, but by directly interfering with Lanling's brain waves, injecting its consciousness into his head.

Lanling was taken aback and exclaimed, "Who are you?"

"I am Yao Xing," the energy light replied.

Lanling, shocked, exclaimed, "You are the meteor that hit me, you brought me to this world?"

"Correct," Yao Xing replied.

Lanling suddenly burst out furiously, "Why did you do this? Send me back now, send me back to Earth!"

"I can't go back," Yao Xing said. "Bringing you to this world has already used up most of my energy, and now I am barely alive."

"Why would you do this? Bastard, bastard," Lanling cried out in pain and anger. "On Earth, my sister needs my care, she needs my protection."

Lanling kept cursing, but Yao Xing listened quietly, without any response.

After a long while, Lanling gradually quieted down and asked, "Why did you bring me to this world? By what right? Why me?"

"I was acting on the will of my previous host, bringing you to this world," Yao Xing said.

Lanling said, "Who is your previous host? No, I don't care who he is! What gives him the right to bring me here?"

Yao Xing replied, "I'm sorry, I don't know. I do not know who he was. I am just an energy life form, and once separated from the host, I lose all memory. So, I do not remember who my previous host was."

Lanling fell silent for a moment, suppressing his agitated emotions, and once again forced himself to remain calm, "Then why have you brought me to this alternate world? What do you want me to do? There must be a reason, right?"

"I don't know," Yao Xing said after a moment of silence. "In my residual consciousness, it seems there is a phrase, perhaps it is your mission in this world."

"What is it?" Lanling asked.

"It's probably... to destroy this world," Yao Xing said.

Instantly, Lanling's body shuddered violently.