Chapter 9: Under Great Pressure

"Sister, why is the Earl's estate so desolate, and why are there so few people?" Lanling finally expressed the doubts in his heart.

Suo Ningbing said, "Father has been critically ill for many years, and countless resources have been spent in an attempt to heal him. In addition to this, the extravagant customs of the Royal City cause the nobility to incur huge expenses. Suo Lun has also been irresponsible, squandering much of the family property. Over the years, the family's wealth has been depleted without any replenishment, which is why the Earl's estate is now in dire economic straits."

Lanling said, "Isn't there still the Tianshui City Territory? Stretching over four to five hundred li, the annual taxes must be astronomical, right?"

In fact, Lanling was speaking far beyond his superficial understanding. By now, he had completely regarded Suo Ningbing as his sister Lancome and no longer felt like an outsider.

Suo Ningbing replied bitterly, "Ever since Father left the territory to seek medical treatment in the Royal City, the revenue from Tianshui City Territory hasn't been delivered to the Earl's estate for five years already."

Lanling said, "Are they planning to rebel?"

Suo Ningbing said, "Now it is a case of a weak master and strong servants. We are the ones petitioning them, so there are certain matters which we can only turn a blind eye to."

Lanling said, "It's very dangerous for a lord to leave his territory for an extended period and entrust its governance to his retainers."

Suo Ningbing said, "It's already very dangerous. The retainers in the territory are getting restless. With Suo Lun missing and not returning, they nearly celebrated openly."

Lanling said, "Doesn't that mean the foundation of the Suo family is at risk? With the royal family coveting our position from the outside and internal turmoil from retainers?"

Suo Ningbing nodded and said, "That's why we need to expedite your succession to the earldom, and then you must immediately return to take up the position of City Lord in Tianshui City Territory. If we delay, more complications can arise."

Lanling said, "Is it necessary to inherit the title before I can become the Lord of Tianshui City?"

Suo Ningbing said, "Of course, this step is essential. You must be officially invested by the royal family before you can rightfully become the City Lord of Tianshui City."

Lanling said, "When can I be officially invested by the royal family and inherit the title?"

Suo Ningbing said, "Once you've successfully graduated from the Royal City Academy, you can inherit the title. Every noble heir is required to undergo six years of education at the Royal City Academy and must pass the final graduation exam before they can inherit their titles."

"Is it very difficult?" asked Lanling.

Suo Ningbing said, "You simply need to pass all four subjects in the final graduation exam. Anyone who has studied normally for six years can pass without trouble. But you are not Suo Lun; you haven't studied a day, so it will be hard... Therefore, you might need to delay it by a year to graduate successfully."

Lanling said, "But aren't we in urgent circumstances? The retainers in the territories are already restless."

Suo Ningbing said, "There's nothing that can be done about that, as this step is mandatory. Moreover, the royal family has relaxed the standards considerably over the past decades. According to the previous system, you had to achieve the highest marks in the exams and earn the Noble Samurai Medal before you could inherit the title."

Lanling said, "Is there a possibility that I won't delay for a year and graduate normally?"

Suo Ningbing hadn't spoken yet when Jingyu said, "There's no chance of that. The final graduation exam at the Royal City Academy is less than five months away, and you would have to start from scratch in all four subjects. Miss Suo Ningbing has already been very optimistic about your talents by suggesting a one-year delay. Based on Suo Lun's behavior, even a three-year delay might not ensure graduation."

Lanling truly knew no fear from ignorance. Although these noble children studied at the Royal City Academy for only six years, their families began nurturing them in all respects from the age of four or five. Thus, their period of study spanned well over a decade.

As for Lanling, who must start from scratch, the notion of completing in less than half a year what others had worked on for over a decade was completely delusional.

In the following month, Lanling stayed in Earl Suo Long's mourning hall under the pretext of observing a period of mourning, even taking his meals there as a gesture to make amends for past undutiful behavior.

In reality, it was Suo Ningbing taking advantage of this time to tutor him. She taught him the basic civilizational knowledge of this world, and about Suo Lun's social circle, to prevent Lanling from encountering acquaintances after leaving the Earl's estate and not recognizing them, risking exposure, or entering the Royal City Academy with no knowledge of the world.

"Suo Lun was incompetent, uncultured, with neither literary nor martial accomplishments. His only talent was in winning girls' hearts," said Suo Ningbing. "So, it doesn't matter if your academic performance at the Royal City Academy is a bit poor."

Lanling said, "Then, does he have many girlfriends?"

Suo Ningbing nodded and said, "Yes… quite a few."

Lanling asked, "About how many?"

Suo Ningbing's cheeks reddened as she replied, "Perhaps in the double digits, even... more."

Double digits? Even more? Lanling felt like he was going to go insane, his scalp tingling.

"Sister, I… I've never been in a relationship my whole life, and Suo Lun has such a rich love history. If his lovers come looking for him, I'm sure I'll give myself away," said Lanling.

Suo Ningbing, embarrassed, said, "Suo Lun is fickle, and most of these women were just brief encounters, so they're unlikely to come looking for him. However... there are a few women you should be wary of."

Lanling said anxiously, "Tell me, sister."

Suo Ningbing replied, "The first is Gui Qinshao, Suo Lun's fiancée. She is the daughter of the Linhai City Lord, talented in both literature and martial arts, and quite renowned. She looks down on Suo Lun. You don't need to worry too much about her because she tends to avoid Suo Lun."

Lanling nodded in relief.

Suo Ningbing continued, "The second is Princess Zhining, a woman of great beauty and intelligence, hailed as the top talent of the royal household. Suo Lun was deeply infatuated with her and pursued her recklessly without realizing his own limitations, resulting in severe humiliation and setback. He even went to the Demon Mountain Range because he heard that Princess Zhining was desperate to obtain the Ancient Dragon Seal Rubbing, which was rumored to be located there. That's why Suo Lun took the risk, hoping to find the Dragon Seal Rubbing and earn a second look from Zhining."

After hearing this, Lanling could sense a conspiracy surrounding Suo Lun's death. It may have been orchestrated by someone.

Suo Ningbing added, "Zhining is very intelligent, so if you come across her, you must act very sensibly, or she will definitely spot the flaws."

Lanling nodded and said, "I know, I should know how to handle such a woman."

That wasn't a lie; Lanling had grown up depending solely on his sister, and he had become accustomed to the vicissitudes of life. Though kind-hearted, he never hesitated to assume the worst about others. He was certainly capable of handling malicious people.

Suo Ningbing went on to say, "There's a third woman you need to be particularly careful of, her name is Yan Nai'er. She's exceedingly beautiful, highly skilled in martial arts, and particularly fiery. Suo Lun put a lot of effort into pursuing her and got beaten up countless times in the process. It took him over a year to win her over. This girl is simple-minded and passionate – once she falls in love, she becomes incredibly devoted and obsessed, determined to marry none but Suo Lun."

Lanling had an idea of how this relationship ended; Suo Lun, the scoundrel, certainly wouldn't give up the entire forest for one tree.

Suo Ningbing explained, "After they fell in love, Yan Nai'er kept pushing for marriage, causing an uproar throughout Zhi Du. But... Suo Lun still abandoned her after the initial infatuation and shifted his affection to Princess Zhining. Devastated, Yan Nai'er left the Royal City and her current whereabouts are unknown."

Lanling couldn't help but say, "This girl sounds wonderful, Suo Lun is really a bastard."

"Yes…" Suo Ningbing said, "Yan Nai'er's father dislikes Suo Lun greatly, not to mention Suo Lun already had a fiancée. Nai'er turned her back on her family for the sake of Suo Lun, and in the end, she was cruelly discarded by him. From a woman's perspective, I utterly detest Suo Lun's behavior."

Lanling remarked, "If I ever meet Yan Nai'er, that would be a huge problem."

Suo Ningbing nodded and said, "Indeed, and I can't predict how Yan Nai'er would react if she met you. She might even draw her sword and strike you, given her high martial prowess."

Suddenly, Lanling shivered, feeling the immense pressure.

Suo Ningbing comforted him, "Yan Nai'er is highly skilled in martial arts, so if she ever attacks you, you should just play the victim and remain silent, definitely don't fight back. She loves Suo Lun deeply and wouldn't want to really hurt you."

"Okay, okay…" Lanling said with difficulty, "Are there any other women I need to be careful of?"

Suo Ningbing shook her head and said, "I don't know, because I'm strict, so Suo Lun rarely comes home, and I don't know some of his affairs. But I've heard rumors that he had an improper relationship with a female teacher at the academy and was even caught by the teacher's husband."

Lanling felt like he was losing his mind. It seemed he wouldn't be able to find peace, even if he went to the Royal City Academy. Suo Lun was such a scoundrel, entangling with his own teacher, and that too a married woman, and was even caught in the act. How had he not been killed before?