Chapter 13: Yao Xing Defies the Heavens, An Unexpected Visitor!

"Why is it you?" Lanling said, "I thought it was the dragon power inside me."

Yao Xing said, "Master, why must you differentiate so clearly? I am your dragon power."

To complete the dragon power sensing, one must calm the waters in the spiritual world and restore the inverted moon reflection to its entirety.

"Then, do I actually have dragon power within me?" Lanling asked.

"You do," said Yao Xing. "You possess the most powerful dragon power in the world, a thousand times stronger than anyone else's, and that is me! However, I am very weak now, and I need to devour enough dragon power to become strong."

Yao Xing communicated through consciousness while continuously releasing energy to alleviate the extreme pain in Lanling's body.

Lanling could almost see with his naked eye that Yao Xing's light was getting smaller and dimmer. Suddenly, he had a strong urge to starve Yao Xing to death.

"Master, our lives are bound together; if I die, you die as well," said Yao Xing. "When your life force was ebbing away, I continuously supplied you with energy. However, when my life force ebbs away, I instinctively devour the energy within you."

Lanling was speechless.

"Master, I don't know why you resist me so, but I am you, and you are me; we are inseparable," Yao Xing said. "My energy is currently being depleted, so you must complete the dragon power sensing quickly. You just need to use your spiritual power to control my strength, still the water in your spiritual world, and completely restore the moon reflection. I am wholly obedient to your will."

By now, Lanling understood that if he wished to train in the martial arts, he couldn't avoid dealing with Yao Xing.

The statement from Yao Xing, "I am your dragon power," seemed illogical at first, but after closer consideration, it did make sense.

After all, the dragon bloodline within the bodies of humans in this world is also a kind of accidental energy, since the humans on Earth never possessed so-called 'dragon power'.

Taking a deep breath, Lanling immediately used his spiritual power to control the energy released by Yao Xing, pacifying the chaotic waters of the Spiritual Illusion.

At this moment, Lanling's body had reached its limit from the pain of holding a stance with over a hundred pounds of stone, so Yao Xing continuously released energy to ease his pain.

The scene of this energy release resembled the pulsing of a jellyfish. With each pulse, thousands of delicate energy strands were released, which then instantly dissipated throughout his limbs and body.

This scene was indeed exactly the same as the dragon power release of others.

However, for others undergoing their first dragon power sensing, controlling these thousands of energy strands with their mind was extremely difficult.

Initially, one could only control dozens or hundreds of strands, and only after thousands of attempts, could they control enough energy to soothe the chaotic waters within the Spiritual Illusion.

Therefore, even if someone in this world had high spiritual talents, they would still need nearly a month to complete the first step of dragon power sensing for enlightenment.

However, inside Lanling was Yao Xing.

As soon as Lanling tried to control these thousands of energy strands with his spiritual power, he instantly did so as if it were second nature. All the released energy completely obeyed his mental will.

He felt stronger and stronger, as if the millions of strands of power transformed into an invisible hand, gradually quieting the winds in the Spiritual Illusion, settling the waves until they became still.

The wind got smaller and smaller.

The waves of the water surface gradually subsided, and the moon reflection restored bit by bit.

"Whew!" With the final gust of wind, Suo Lun's spiritual power seemed to instantly solidify everything.

In the Spiritual Illusion, it was completely calm, and the inverted moon in the water was perfectly whole.

Just like that, Lanling effortlessly completed the so-called dragon force induction.

This was utterly astonishing. Top-tier prodigies couldn't even guarantee full control over the energy released by dragon force, let alone on their first attempt at dragon force induction.

Even the most elite masters could not fully master their dragon force. Yet Lanling could easily control one hundred percent of the energy released by Yao Xing.

"I did it, the moon reflected in the water in my Spiritual Illusion has been completely restored." Lanling opened his eyes and said.

"This, this is impossible." Ye Jingyu exclaimed in shock.

Because from the start of Lanling's first dragon force induction to now, merely two to three hours had passed, not even a full day.

The legendary supreme warrior Jiang Shang also took a full ten days, yet Lanling only took one day? How was this possible, it completely overturned Ye Jingyu's understanding.

After a moment of silence, Ye Jingyu asked in disbelief and amazement, "Are you, are you sure it was successful?"

Lanling nodded and said, "I'm sure."

Ye Jingyu said, "You've never practiced before?"

Lanling said, "I have never practiced."

Ye Jingyu was completely speechless, and the so-called dragon force induction was entirely subjective, unverifiable by others.

Ye Jingyu had great trust in Lanling, and he would absolutely not lie to those around him. But to complete the dragon force induction in just one day was truly too shocking for the times.

Could it be because of his golden Dragon Bloodline?

Lanling asked, "Shall we proceed to the second step of enlightenment?"

Because only half of the day had passed. Ye Jingyu was entirely unprepared mentally, she had originally planned to give Lanling a month to complete dragon force induction yet it was done in just half a day.

Just then, the soft voice of Suo Ningbing came from outside, saying, "Little brother, Jingyu, Brother has arrived."


The 'Brother' Suo Ningbing referred to was the adopted son of Count Suo Long, Suo Hanyi.

Suo Hanyi was originally the son of a serf. It was Suo Long who discovered his talent, nurtured him with all his might, and adopted him with the purpose of having him fully support Suo Lun in the future.

He did not disappoint Count Suo Long's expectations, advancing to the level of a Dragon Samurai at merely twenty-seven, becoming one of Rage Wave Kingdom's top-ranked young masters. At twenty-eight, he became the Commander of Tianshui City Defense Army, controlling nearly half of Tian Shui City's military power, truly a towering pillar of the Suo Family.

Lanling and Ye Jingyu followed Suo Ningbing into the hall.

At that moment, a young man in the living room was anxiously pacing back and forth, his body still covered in dust from a long journey.

This man had blond hair, a face filled with vigor, piercing eyes, and stood nearly one hundred ninety centimeters tall—upright as a lance, majestic as a mountain, exuding an intense masculine charm all over.

He was Suo Hanyi, who, in appearance alone, looked more like the City Lord of Tian Shui than Suo Lun did.

"Greetings, Brother." Taking a step forward, Lanling bowed respectfully.

Before arriving, Suo Ningbing had repeatedly emphasized the need to show the utmost respect to Brother Suo Hanyi, as he was now the greatest pillar of the Suo Family.