Chapter 20: Stunning Talent

Ye Jingyu was completely stunned as well. When he had rescued Lanling, he thought him to be an uncouth commoner and having him impersonate Suo Lun was out of sheer necessity, but who knew he would turn out to be so outstanding, so… refined.

It should be known that the featherpipe keyboard is extremely valuable, so this was entirely an upper-class pastime. And the fact that Lanling could play such moving music clearly wasn't the work of just a few days.

Moreover, when he played the piano, he was so confident, so graceful.

As for the nannies and children, they just found it incredibly, incredibly pleasant to the ear, unwilling to miss a single sound.

A few minutes later, Lanling finished playing.

However, everyone still felt as if the echoes lingered in their ears, not landing for a long time.

It took quite a while before Niya reopened her beautiful eyes, her stunning face flushing slightly.

And when she looked at Lanling again, her gaze had completely changed, she asked, "Is this piece your own work?"

"Have you heard anyone else play it?" Lanling inquired.

"No," Niya replied.

"Then it's my creation," Lanling said, "How did I do?"

How could it just be excellent? It far exceeded Niya's imagination. It was beyond Niya's artistic skill, as she couldn't produce such a touching and wonderful piece.

"Among the new pieces of the past decade, yours is truly the best," Niya asked, "What is the name of the piece?"

"Niya by the Water," Lanling replied.

At those words, Niya quivered, her beautiful eyes suddenly became incredibly hazy as if she were drunk.

The feeling of excitement, the stirrings of emotion, long missed, even lost, surged up from the bottom of her heart in an instant.

Perhaps it was due to the memories of her past romance, or perhaps it was the wonderful piece of music she'd just heard. Either way, Niya felt the feelings for Suo Lun, which had faded, surge back all at once.

Niya by the Water—indeed, it couldn't be faked. The thing she did most often at the Royal City Academy was to stand by the water and daydream as dusk approached. Whether she was composing music, indulging in fantasies, or simply daydreaming.

In any case, those were almost the happiest moments of her day. In reality, many things bound her, but when she stood by the water in reverie, her mind was wholly unbridled.

"Is this piece made for me?" Niya asked.

"Yes," Lanling replied.

"Then what are you trying to express with this piece?" Niya asked nervously, her voice even trembling, because what mattered most to a woman like her was to be understood, to be comprehended by someone.

Lanling knew this was the crucial moment. A noble, innocent, and artistic woman like the one before him, once she feels someone understands her heart, would truly fall head over heels, not merely the vengeful fling she had with Suo Lun before.

Lanling gazed at Niya and slowly said, "Whenever you stand by the water, I feel as though you are a sculpture with a beautiful shell, yet completely devoid of life on the outside. But inside that shell, there lies another life, one that is incredibly vibrant, incredibly romantic, incredibly free. At those times, I think, if only… I could bring this sculpture to life, how wonderful it would be."

In an instant, Niya's eyes reddened.

In her heart, there was only one thought: so it's only you who truly understands me!

Then, with a tearful voice, she said, "Is that why you came to woo me?"

Lanling nodded his head.

Niya cried out, "Then why, at the last moment, did you betray our feelings?"

Suo Lun betrayed their feelings? Lanling had no idea what was going on and couldn't ask.

But that did not stump Lanling at all. His face twitched slightly as he said, "Because I… became afraid!"

"Afraid of what?" Niya asked.

"Afraid of losing freedom, afraid that I couldn't bear the responsibility for such a beautiful life as yours," Lanling said. These words sounded profound, but actually said nothing at all.

Perversely, Niya most desired to hear these very words. She certainly wouldn't think that Suo Lun was merely toying with her, and of course, once caught, he would immediately draw a clear line.

"Come with me…" Niya beckoned, then walked into a room inside the Ciji Association.

"What are you waiting for…" Several nannies hurriedly pushed him in, their eyes filled with blessing.

And the children started cheering and egging them on.

Lanling, however, felt his heartbeat quicken. What… what was this? Could it be old flames rekindling?

Indeed, the moment they entered the room, a fragrant scent hit him and she fell directly into his arms.

The next second, petal-like lips pressed onto his.

Lanling trembled—this must be his first kiss, right?

Immediately, he was completely stunned, losing any reaction, with a total blank in his mind.

"What are you waiting for? You were furious when you couldn't have me before, so why are you not moving now?" Niya's voice trembled.

She truly was, outwardly cool but inwardly warm and passionate.

Lanling's heart throbbed like thunder, and he struggled greatly. Facing such a forward half-blood beauty, it was a lie to say he wasn't tempted.

But the woman before him was not to be trifled with, once touched the consequences would be very serious.

"I cannot…" Lanling trembled as he spoke.

Niya let out a disappointed murmur, "Why? Haven't you always wanted me?"

"Because of responsibility—I am now the only man in the family, and I must take responsibility for whatever I do," Lanling said.

These words were impressively noble, and Niya believed them completely, even automatically adding many justifications for Lanling in her mind.

He must feel that he can't give me a future, and he can't control his own destiny or mine, so he dares not have me.

This was a man to be trusted.

Two years ago, when Niya and Suo Lun were caught in their secret rendezvous, she bravely proposed divorce, wanting to be with Suo Lun.

However, Suo Lun at that time cowardly refused and drew a clear line between them. This left her extremely disappointed, in immense pain. Even though part of the reason she and Suo Lun were having an affair was as revenge against her husband.

But now, the boy who once lacked the sense of responsibility had grown up, become responsible, and was someone she could rely on.

"Suo Lun, what is this about you being expelled from Royal City Academy?" Niya asked.

Lanling breathed a sigh of relief; she had finally asked the key question.