Chapter 40: Sister-in-law? The First Step in Archery


Thinking about the live archery practice that would start tomorrow, Lanling felt a bit excited inside.

At that moment, a knock on the door echoed from outside the room.

"Who is it?" Ye Jingyu asked with her eyebrows raised, her voice icy.

"Sister-in-law, it's me, Xiao Ying." From outside came a man's voice, seemingly the sleazy customer from earlier.

Sister-in-law? Lanling immediately looked at Ye Jingyu with confusion.

Ye Jingyu's beautiful face turned red, then she said coldly, "If you dare call me sister-in-law again, I'll rip your tongue out."

"Okay, I won't say it again, Sister Ye…" the man called Xiao Ying said: "The boss is here too, hunting outside. I got injured, so I stayed behind in the inn alone. Shall I take you to see the boss tomorrow?"

Where did he get hurt? If he was injured and still had the energy to call on a woman, he was clearly too scared to die and hid in the city.