Chapter 56: Biggest Breakthrough, Meng Tuoluo, Black Widow!

Lanling did not know how long he had slept, but in his dreams, he clearly felt Yao Xing constantly releasing energy into his brain and eyes.

Lanling knew that this was Yao Xing enhancing his spiritual power.

Upon awakening, Lanling did not immediately open his eyes, and then he suddenly discovered a very strange thing.

That is, even though his eyes were closed, he could still see things, or rather, sense them.

At this moment, he was lying by a lake, with two squirrels not far away. Most importantly, about three meters away from him, sat a woman, an exceedingly beautiful woman. Even though what he could sense with his eyes closed was but an outline, that outline was already breathtakingly beautiful.

This woman was the very one who had rescued him from the cave of the Shadow Spider Queen, her name was Aluo.

This was too, too mystical, and Lanling was incredibly astonished.

"Yao Xing, how much is my spiritual power now? Can it lock onto a target 150 meters away?" Lanling asked.