Chapter 93: Ennoblement, Three Temptations! (2 more)

Note: The second update is here, with tears streaming down my face as I ask for monthly passes. The situation on the monthly pass leaderboard is truly precarious, ready to fall at any moment.


"I pay my respects to Your Majesty, the King."

Under Suo Lun's lead, nine students awarded with the Noble Warrior Medals knelt neatly, bows their heads in reverence.

Then, they saw two booted feet step in, walking in front of the nine and stopping.

After a good while, King Quo Bian seemed to come back to his senses and said, "Oh, rise."

The nine arose, their gazes fixed on the ground, not daring to lift their heads towards the King.

"Lift your heads, let me have a look," commanded King Quo Bian. His voice was a bit hoarse, but it also seemed to contain a sharp metallic edge, leaving a deep impression.

Suo Lun was seeing the King's face for the first time. It was somewhat lean, not particularly handsome, with deep-set eyes and a tall, steep nose.