Chapter 105: Suo Lun Forces a Marriage! (3 more)_2

Gui Xingfu drained another cup of wine and said to everyone, "After hearing the melody tonight, I've lost the taste for meat these three months. Now, let's all continue with the banquet."

Then, Gui Xingfu personally escorted Crown Prince Zhi You to his seat.

Zhi You looked quite displeased. Originally, he wanted to leave immediately because it was too embarrassing. However, leaving right away would probably be even more embarrassing.

Next, the guests at the banquet resumed eating and drinking, with the slight difference that many of the girls' gazes began to linger on Suo Lun's face.

At this moment, they found Suo Lun's beautiful face, which was almost eerily enchanting, very captivating indeed.

He appeared fragile and mysterious, and when one thought of his tragic past, it truly stirred feelings of pity. Moreover, having a husband more beautiful than oneself would surely be the envy of others when taken out in public.