153: Drunk and Confused! To Bloody Shore Lost City!

"Didn't your entire tribe migrate south? Why have you come back?" Suo Lun asked.

Meng Tuoluo said, "Our tribe has several thousand or even tens of thousands of people, and there are always some who have grown accustomed to living in the hundred-thousand mountain range and refuse to move south, so they stayed behind. Then Zhi Ning and Zhi Li, in their hunting decrees, doubled the bounty on the heads of the Serpent Spirit Tribe and dispatched master hunters specifically to kill our people, shattering the Black Widow myth. Thus, in just a few short months, a swarm of hunters came and slaughtered our tribe down to the last member, Heilie Castle being the most ruthless among them."

No wonder Meng Tuoluo had gone to trouble Heilie Castle and even specifically went to their home to become married.