328: Gui Xingfu badly defeated! Coughing up blood!

For Gui Xingfu, there were only two tasks.

First, declare war on Tianshui City. Second, capture Chaos Stone Island.

Afterward, Linhai City would completely withdraw from the fight, leaving the task of completely annihilating Tianshui City to Zhi Wei and the Tuling Tuo Army.

Since Suo Lun had died, the King ultimately recognized Linhai City's declaration of war against Tianshui City, so the first step was smoothly completed.

Next was the second step, capturing Chaos Stone Island.

In Gui Xingfu's view, this also seemed a simple matter.

Although the navy of Tianshui City refrained from battle and transformed from a maritime force to a land army, hiding within Chaos Stone Castle.

But how large was Chaos Stone Island Castle after all? Despite two years of construction, it was less than half the size of Nanlin Fort.

The castle backed onto steep cliffs, with vast flatlands in front and on both sides, providing ample space for forty-thousand troops.