After Grand Eunuch Gao Yin left, Duke Turing Tuo gave the command, and the grand army broke camp and returned to Zhi Du.
Thus, the 160,000-strong grand army broke camp, mightily marching back to the City of Rage Wave.
With this, Shaojun Zhi Li's campaign to annihilate Suo Lun officially ended in failure.
It had started with the mobilization of 400,000 soldiers from all directions to attack Tianshui City, their momentum shaking heaven and earth.
After a continuous month of fierce battles, Gui Xingfu was defeated and surrendered, Linhai City fell, Zhi Wei's entire army was annihilated with his head exhibited to the public, and Duke Turing Tuo retreated with a minor setback.
Zhi Li suffered an unprecedented defeat!
This defeat would directly shift the balance of power within the Rage Wave Kingdom, altering the entire strategic landscape.