410: Husband leads, wife follows! Wildly drawing Turing Tuo!_2

Turing Chen's face twitched as he said, "Yes!"

Princess Zhi Yan remarked, "This deal doesn't make me particularly happy, but it is still reasonable."

Turing Chen commented, "My father also does not wish to weaken the kingdom's vitality due to civil war."

Princess Zhi Yan turned to Suo Lun and asked, "Husband, what do you think?"

Suo Lun expressionless, replied, "The Turing Clan came to negotiate with you, not with me."

Princess Zhi Yan closed her beautiful eyes, pondering deeply.

Suddenly, the room fell into a deathly silence!

Usually, Princess Zhi Yan seemed to have no power at all. Rather than a ruler, she appeared more like a bodyguard, an assassin, plus a vixen intent on draining Suo Lun.

But at this moment, her decision would directly impact the fate of the Rage Wave Kingdom.

If Princess Zhi Yan directly agreed to Turing Chen's terms to secure the loyalty of the Turing Clan.