"In a typical murder case, is the murder target the victim?" Captain Han asked, still playing the straight man to Liu Jinghui's comic routine, but at the same time, he posed a very critical question.

If the target of the murder is the victim, then there must be a motive. If not, then who could it be?

Actually, this was not an easy question to answer. Liu Jinghui, recalling the case files he had reviewed, mused, "The victim is a local, in his thirties, owned a motorcycle repair shop. The business was doing alright, only his cousin was helping out in the shop, his wife along with their children would occasionally help with the cashier duties and tidying up the store, and they all said they didn't offend anyone..."

Captain Han listened in silence, and from just that statement, it was clear that when Liu Jinghui mentioned "eliminating all impossibilities..." earlier, he wasn't just talking nonsense out of desperation; he had really contemplated this issue.