Chapter 570 Bald Strike Team Strikes Out

Changyang City Criminal Science Center.

Jiang Yuan took the clothes he had retrieved and boarded the high-speed train to Changyang City.

These garments had been washed and rifled through numerous times. To say that it was extremely difficult to find evidence like hair fibers in these clothes was an understatement. Even if any were found, most would likely be contaminated with hair from unrelated individuals.

Jiang Yuan's hopes were pinned on skin flakes, especially on the several woolen overcoats, wool cashmere sweaters, knitted garments, wool hats, and scarves he had specifically brought back this time.

Although these items of clothing had also been searched multiple times, they were not suitable for washing with water, nor did they require regular cleaning. The Liu family had not taken them for dry cleaning after Liu Limin's death, so they were the most likely to still contain flaked skin.