Chapter 638: Results Coming Soon

Jiang Yuan's voice nearly caused Qian Tongyi to black out, his heart pounding rapidly.

Qian Tongyi was the captain of the detective squad responsible for Shang Geyong's case. The psychological pressure was intense, and the responsibility even greater. He had just glimpsed the light of victory and slept less during the day than Jiang Yuan, fighting hard for success.

But all that was predicated on the assumption that Shang Geyong had been found, the murderer identified, and the case had moved from the investigation phase to the pursuit phase...

Then Jiang Yuan said, "The victim is not Shang Geyong," and everything went dark before Qian Tongyi's eyes.

In this day and age, how could they possibly get the wrong person?

"Are you still there?" Qian Tongyi, leaning against the wall with the look of a middle-aged man reaching the endpoint of a urination, asked, "Is it confirmed? Do you know who the victim is?"