"You, come here, what are you running for? What's your name?"
Cui Qishan, panting heavily, caught the teenager and dragged him over by the collar.
As he restrained the youth, Cui Qishan also took deep, forceful breaths, a broken bellows-like sound emanating from his lungs, as if he were a person deflating.
The teen looked at Cui Qishan fearfully and whispered, "I didn't stab you."
"I... you..." Cui Qishan opened his mouth, moistened his throat, and then said, "Why did you run?"
"I... just wanted to run," the teen replied.
Cui Qishan: "I told you to stop, did you hear me?"
"I heard."
"Then why did you keep running?"
"Why did you run?"
"I was scared."
"Scared of what?"
"Just scared."
The exchange between the boy and Cui Qishan was dry and repetitive, and yet Cui was at a loss for what to do.