"Jiang, do you want to eat something first?" Miao Ruixiang, the forensic doctor who had joined the team this year, was busily rushing around.
After passing the exam to become a forensic doctor in Ningtai County, he became Wu Jun's apprentice, effectively making him Jiang Yuan's junior brother. Because of this connection, everyone was very polite to him.
Miao Ruixiang himself was quite proactive, with a quick tongue and swift actions, definitely a forensic doctor with high emotional intelligence.
Jiang Yuan was waiting for Coroner Jacob to begin the autopsy. The time for the autopsy had been set, and not only forensic doctors and police officers would be watching, but also the family of the deceased and some political figures. In recent days, the traffic in the whole of Dama was surging towards this event; politicians couldn't help but get involved even if they wanted to.