Chapter 79: I Am the Ability User_2

Wei Zhen Guo had smoked half of his fourth cigarette when he lay down on the hospital bed and fell asleep.

The soldier beside him considerately extinguished Zhen Guo's cigarette and placed it back into the pack.

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Doctor Chen turned to the soldier and said,

"He's stable for now. Squad Leader Wei isn't in any life-threatening danger, but he will need to recuperate for a while and can't go out anymore."

"Thank you for your hard work, Doctor Chen."

The soldier saluted.

"Hey, it's just what I'm supposed to do!"

After washing his hands briefly, the doctor approached Wang Tao and extended his hand.

"Hello, my name is Chen Zhuang. Chen as in the ear of grain, and Zhuang as in strong."

Wang Tao hesitated for a moment at the slender figure before him before shaking hands with him.

"Nice to meet you, Doctor Chen."