Chapter 85 Commissioner Wang Tao (Asking for monthly tickets at the end of the month)_1

Although there were more than five hundred survivors in Shuize Base, not many of them were combatants, barely a hundred at best.

Among these one hundred, including 3 commissioners, the Security Army only numbered 18 people, who were also the 18 strongest in the base.

The soldier who sacrificed his life today was a member of the Security Army.

Whether on a personal level or in terms of the overall strength of the base, the loss of a member of the Security Army was intolerable, especially since this sacrifice could have been completely avoided…

Main building lobby.

Xiang Hongbin, Wang Tao, and others were all present, and several commissioners, including Wei Zhenguo, were also there.

Guo Chao and the other staff members were silently cleaning up the spoils of war, while Xiang Hongbin stood by the window, fiercely smoking a blood-stained cigarette.

"Not talking won't solve the problem, will it?"

Wei Zhenguo sat in a makeshift wheelchair, his face looking very grim.