Chapter 109: Hunting Zombies, Discovering a Camp_1


Han Rui looked at her own hand, her eyes filled with disbelief.

She hadn't expected to kill the Terrorizer in one hit!

Just a bump and a hack with an axe, that was all...

Wang Tao had dealt with a few ordinary zombies, then he approached Han Rui and circled around her.

Han Rui had no injuries, not a single drop of blood was lost. But her mana consumption was quite high. A single Rush had cost her 30 mana. With her current mana pool, she could only use it six times.

However, mana and HP are different. HP recovery is very slow, and if injured or starving, it might not regenerate at all.

On the other hand, mana would always slowly recover. It seems the recovery rate varies for each Ability User; like for Wang Tao, it would take roughly six hours to fully recover. Han Rui's rate was similar to his.

"You aren't hurt, are you?"

Even though he hadn't seen Han Rui losing any health, Wang Tao still asked out of concern.


Han Rui quickly shook her head.
