Chapter 110: Reaching 2000 HP_2


However, if Wang Tao were to go over there, he felt he would probably get stuck in the mud swamp.

"This Mud Swamp Zombie seems to have something going for it..."

Wang Tao had thought that this ability wasn't very useful, but now it seemed that by staying in the water, it had almost turned the entire lake into a mud swamp, which was a bit exaggerated in scope.

After discussing with Han Rui, the two decided to kill them from a distance.

But before that, they needed to lob a few Slime Grenades at them.

After all, there was a Suicide Bombing Zombie among them, and if its explosion attracted other zombies, it would become quite troublesome.


After finishing their discussion, Wang Tao immediately threw a Slime Grenade over.


The grenade hit the Suicide Bombing Zombie right on the head. Before it could inflate and explode, a blob of slime burst out instantly, sticking both the Suicide Bombing Zombie and the nearby Mud Swamp Zombie together.