Chapter 120 Shao Yong_1


Han Rui gasped for breath, using Rush while carrying someone was a completely different concept from using it alone.

Especially since Wang Tao was bulky and had a lot of equipment on him. This was a significant energy drain for Han Rui. The energy she consumed was much more than usual.

Thankfully, the effect of Rush was almost fully realized, and the two of them successfully broke out of the zombie encirclement.

But their current position was not good, as it was the opposite direction from where their car was parked.

The car was definitely something they couldn't afford to lose. After all, the cars outside had been corroded by the corrosive acid rain and rusted, rendering them unusable. Cars were now of great value, especially since theirs was an electric car.

After scanning the surrounding buildings, Wang Tao immediately pointed to the tallest six-story building and said,

"Let's go up there and lay low for a while!"
