Chapter 143 The Inevitable Arrival_1

"The Mad Demon Zombies outside haven't left yet..."

At the entrance of the negative third floor, Han Rui pressed her ear to the door to use her Perception, then spoke somewhat helplessly.

She had just slept for two hours, yet the Mad Demon Zombies outside still hadn't left.

"It's probably because of the body of that Green-eyed Zombie..."

Wang Tao said, frowning.

The Zombie Culture Fluid inside the Green-eyed Zombies exerted a huge attraction on zombies. Although Wang Tao had taken all the culture fluid, the zombie's body was still there. Since the Green-eyed Zombie could produce the culture fluid, its body might also be somewhat different...

"If these Mad Demon Zombies don't leave, we won't be able to get out..."

Han Rui felt uncomfortable.

Although there was no danger on the negative third floor, staying here indefinitely wasn't a solution. The nutrient solution that Wang Tao had would run out eventually, then what would they do?