Chapter 143 The Inevitable Arrival_3

"Wang Tao, Han Rui, you're finally back!"

Seeing Wei Zhenguo and the others arrived, Wang Tao finally breathed a sigh of relief. As long as the base's strongest combatants were here, there was still a chance of a counterattack.

"What's the specific situation?"

"Last night, the gorilla zombie suddenly passed by the base, and then it found us... Thankfully, we've been on guard against it lately, and we've prepared a lot of measures, so we weren't wiped out in one fell swoop. Still, we lost some people..."

Wei Zhenguo sighed.

"Moreover, we can't stop the gorilla zombie; we can only use guns, but that attracts a lot of mad demon zombies. And our bullet supply is running low, I estimate we won't last much longer..."

The group conversed as they descended the stairs.

On the fourth floor, several Security Army members intermittently fired their rifles at the gorilla zombie.

As soon as the gorilla zombie approached, bullets would greet its face.