Chapter 150: Poisonous Fog Zombie (Seeking Guaranteed Monthly Votes)_1

Seeing more and more zombies gathering downstairs and the green poisonous fog growing denser, Xiang Hongbin and his group were left with no choice but to decide to make a break for it!

While several committee members had gas masks, the others did not. If everyone else was poisoned to death, then what would be the point of them being the only survivors? Besides, it wasn't certain that they would survive either.

If they didn't make a move now while they still had the numbers and before everyone had completely lost their combat power, then they would have no choice but to wait for death when most people had become incapacitated!

"Are Wang Tao and Old Xiang okay?"

Xiang Hongbin asked as he strapped several firefighter axes to his body.

"They seem to have some immunity to this poison in their sleeping state... But just to be safe, I've put gas masks on them too..."

Ren Jie replied.

"Alright, that puts my mind at ease!"