Chapter 153: Slaying_3

But the other Poisonous Fog Zombies and Mad Demon Zombies were either blown to pieces or crushed under the collapsed buildings. Now, standing in front of Wang Tao, there were less than ten remaining.

However, to Wang Tao's surprise, among these ten zombies, there were actually two Level 2 Zombies!

[HP: 1239/5000]

[Mana: 768/1000]

[Level: Level 2 Elite]

The first Level 2 Zombie had only 1200 HP left.

[HP: 1004/5000]

[Mana: 806/1000]

[Level: Level 2 Elite]

The second Level 2 Zombie had only 1000 HP left.

"These two zombies must be the weaker Level 2 Zombies that Zhen Guo was talking about…"

5000 HP is the threshold for Level 2, so these must have ascended to Level 2 not long ago, and both zombies had very little mana. In Wang Tao's opinion, zombies with more mana are stronger.

Of course, the biggest difference is in the level. The Toad zombie's level is [Level 2 - Lord], while these two Level 2 Zombies' level is [Level 2 Elite], which is clearly one level lower.