Chapter 155: Level 3!_1

Li Qiuyu looked at the dazed expression that flashed across Wang Tao's face, and she was a bit confused.

She didn't understand her daughter's abstract words, so how could Wang Tao?

"Can you be more specific?" he asked. "How powerful is it, where does it come from, what does it want to do..."

Wang Tao spoke as he walked towards Jiang Shixue.

At the same time, his eyes occasionally flickered with green light—not because Wang Tao had some special ability in his eyes, but because he felt that if he could show some commonalities with Jiang Shixue, perhaps she would lower her guard a bit. After all... everyone was a monster.

Sure enough, Jiang Shixue didn't dodge this time. She let Wang Tao approach and touch her head. At his touch, she disappeared in a whoosh, like a startled rabbit, and reappeared ten meters away.