Chapter 154 Jiang Shixue_2

Yesterday's disappearance of Li Qiuyu made him quite uneasy.

After his Ascension to Level Two, not only had his five senses improved significantly, but even his sixth sense seemed to have been enhanced.

For something to make him feel so uneasy, last night's Toad zombie was not enough, it had to be at least a Gorilla zombie level!

But this time, there shouldn't be any other Level 2 Zombies in Shuize county, this unease... what exactly is it?

Suddenly, Wang Tao saw a furtive figure climbing over the broken base wall, and when she lifted her head, Wang Tao was taken aback.

"Li Qiuyu?"


At the east wall of the base.

Li Qiuyu had exerted some effort, but finally managed to climb inside.


She took a heavy breath, then looked at her rain-soaked clothing, somewhat headache induced about how to explain later... After making sure there was no one around, she immediately headed towards the comprehensive building.

"Where did you go?"