Chapter 169: Level 3 Lord_1



Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue once again arrived at the county.

Upon seeing the situation inside the county, Wang Tao's eyes widened.

"Hiss... so many!"

He thought there were only three Level 3 Blood-red Zombies in the county, and he had killed one, so there should be two left... But now he had just entered the county and already saw three Blood-red Zombies!

"Let's take a detour."

Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue stealthily went around.

Although he now knew the zombies' fatal weaknesses, seeing three of them as soon as he arrived gave Wang Tao a bad feeling—if there were this many elsewhere, it might not be wise to provoke them...

After bypassing these three zombies, Wang Tao saw another isolated Blood-red Zombie.

"Should we make a move?"

Jiang Shixue seemed eager to try; she did not know the meaning of fear.

Wang Tao was somewhat tempted, but after thinking it over, he refrained.

"Let's check for other zombies in the vicinity first..."