Chapter 170 Night Demon_1

Wang Tao returned to Fish Bay Camp and said to Xu Xiaojun:

"Pack up, we're leaving this place!"


Xu Xiaojun didn't ask any questions and immediately started packing his belongings.

There wasn't much to pack, mainly food. They had caught too many fish over the past few days, and the space in the Magical Stomach Pouch was limited, so it couldn't fit everything. Wang Tao turned some of the fish into a nutrient solution, and the rest into dried fish, which could be carried with them.

There are conveniences to having fewer people, but also advantages to having more.

Previously, when it was only Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue, neither of them carried much.

But now with Xu Xiaojun joining them, things were different. He was loaded with items—food, clothes, tools... he even carried pots and pans.

In comparison, Xu Xiaojun seemed more like a post-apocalyptic survivor than Wang Tao and Jiang Shixue.

"Are you sure you want to carry that much?"

Wang Tao opened his mouth.