Chapter 205: Gymnasium (Seeking Basic Monthly Votes at the Beginning of the Month)_1

Hearing this somewhat sensational news, Wang Tao wasn't too surprised; he looked towards Lan Yulian.

"Did you also participate?"

"No," Lan Yulian shook her head, "We only found out about it recently. This was something the base and the prison concocted together. Neither we nor the Ability User's Alliance were informed... otherwise, I would have definitely gone to stop them!"

She had been startled when she first heard about it; had it not been too late, she would have definitely tried to stop it.

After all, this was too risky—it was, to some extent, playing with the lives of all the survivors in Zijing City!

"So now..."

Wang Tao asked again.

"Those zombies are all in the city stadium. Before they started to raise the zombies, they had already hacked off their limbs and tied them up to prevent them from resisting or escaping."