Chapter 222 What Do You Know I Want_3


The next day.

Everyone woke up early.

Lan Yulian began to arrange for people to head back.

She herself definitely wasn't returning, as she needed to stay here to help Wang Tao and take care of Lu Yingfeng, who hadn't woken up yet. Some of the people in her team were strong enough to lead the group.

As for the news that the generals and others were trapped, she didn't issue any orders to keep it a secret. After all, her subordinates weren't professionals, and expecting them all to keep secrets was highly unlikely. It was better to announce the situation openly, since the generals weren't dead, just temporarily trapped. She was looking for a way to rescue them... The situation wasn't too bad, and it shouldn't lead to chaos within the base.

Nie Siyan and Xu Xiaojun naturally had to make another trip to the diving hall.

Last night, they had been killing zombies until midnight and only slept in the latter half of the night. But now they were very spirited and not tired at all.