Chapter 8 Cut Off Your Foot(2)_1

Lin Jiaxiao and his wife were simply heartless and insane; they actually sold their own niece to serve as a substitute bride, and the girl's parents didn't even know. This is truly devoid of any conscience! The villagers at the door pointed fingers at Lin Jiaxiao, deeming him unkind and unworthy of being an elder.

Lady Ma hid on the side, not expecting this to be the truth. She curled her lip, showing not a bit of sympathy for Lin Yuan. Instead, she berated Li Feng'e: Laosan's house is such an idiot. They let Little Disaster Star run all the way back home even from twenty li away. If it were her, she'd certainly send the girl much farther away, and better still, drug her to sleep for ten days or a half a month. By the time she woke up, she wouldn't know which way was north.

Lin Jiaxin and his wife never expected their eldest daughter to have suffered so much. Lin Jiaxin was so furious he wanted to grab his walking stick and beat someone. But before he could move, he fell to the ground, his fists pounding on his own immobile legs. Lady Liu was already crying inconsolably. Lin Wei and Lin Shuang felt pain for their sister; one was hugging her mother crying, while the other wiped away her tears, trying to persuade their father with her frail body.

Lin Yuan knew the truth was cruel, but she couldn't help but say, staring coldly at Lin Jiaxiao with her dark eyes, "Third uncle, do you think I should put down this knife?" she said, word by word.

"You, you." Lin Jiaxiao stared into her eyes, his body breaking out in goosebumps. For some reason, he was certain this girl would definitely land the knife on his wrist or even his neck.

"I, I."

"Third uncle, stop with your stuttering. Third aunt took good care of me too. But, what do you think it would feel like if this knife landed on your neck, third uncle?" Lin Yuan took a couple of steps closer, deliberately lowering her voice, "Do you want to know?"

"I don't want to! Ouch! My foot, my foot is gone! Dad! Mom! My foot is gone! I'm going to be a cripple now! Ahhh! Wife, save me, wife!"

The crowd only saw Lin Yuan swing the kitchen knife high and bring it down with astonishing speed. In a flash, the knife had already descended onto Lin Jiaxiao's foot.


The crowd gasped in shock, seemingly not expecting Lin Yuan to actually strike. But at the next moment, they saw Lin Jiaxiao already howling, collapsed on the ground, holding his foot, crying for his dad and mom, his cries painfully loud to the ears.

Little Disaster Star really went through with it!

Everyone exchanged looks, and upon gazing at Lin Yuan again, they felt she could no longer just be described as Little Disaster Star; she was more like a devil, a shrew!

But at that moment, the one people deemed a devil laughed, "Oh dear, third uncle, I'm so sorry, my knife got a bit dull and it seems it didn't quite chop off your foot." Lin Yuan's sweet voice suddenly broke the crowd's stunned silence and also interrupted Lin Jiaxiao's wailing.

Lin Jiaxiao, like a duck suddenly choked by the neck: Ga, it didn't chop it off?

Momentarily, Lin Shuang tried to stifle her laughter, calling out, "Big sis, you forgot, our family hasn't had meat for half a year; the knife has gone rusty." Lin Yuan's smiling face immediately turned cold. Half a year without meat?

Lin Jiaxiao looked down and removed his shoe, inspecting it from top to bottom, left and right. Finally, with tears of joy, he hugged and kissed his stinking foot.

The crowd again erupted in sounds of disgust.

"Third uncle, how about this: let me sharpen the knife and give it another go, how does that sound?"

Hearing Lin Yuan's words, Lin Jiaxiao didn't bother putting his shoe back on and quickly scrambled up to flee. Heading out the door, he didn't forget to look back and threaten, "Little Disaster Star, you just wait!"

Lin Yuan's lips curled into a smile, wait? Great, let the old couple of the Lin family come; let's split the household, split the land—that would be perfect.

What Lin Yuan didn't know was that from that day on, her reputation as a shrew was established. The villagers said that the Little Disaster Star of the Lin family was fierce and unruly, and she would likely be unable to marry off in the future.