Chapter 16 Catching Rabbits by Beating Snakes (2)_1

Lin Yuan wiped the sweat from her brow, bent down to locate the gallbladder of the snake, and with a hard pinch, she deftly removed it. She then plucked two larger leaves, wrapped the two snake galls in them, and prepared to place them in her bamboo basket. However, her basket already contained some goji berries, and she feared the galls would be crushed if she added them now, especially since she planned to put the two snakes in there as well.

"Big sister, transfer all the goji berries from here to that basket. I want to put these two snakes in here," she instructed.

Lin Wei hadn't yet recovered from her elder sister's fierce demeanor when she suddenly heard her talking about storing snake galls and snakes, prompting her to leap up and exclaim, "Big sister, why would you keep them?! Grandpa said that snakes are fierce beasts, poisonous. Wang Mazhi's father in our village died from a snakebite before."