Chapter 26 Division of the Family (1)_1

Xiao Linshuang first returned home to inform her family that the village chief would be coming over to discuss the division of the household. Of course, she didn't forget to ask her second sister to move the goji berries drying in the courtyard into the west room. It wasn't that she was worried about people seeing them, as they didn't know such things could be sold for money and it wouldn't matter even if they did see them. However, Lin Yuan was concerned that, with many people around later, someone clumsy might knock into them, potentially ruining the berries.

After leaving home, Xiao Linshuang then made a detour to the village chief's home, where she relayed her family's situation to the village chief's grandfather. Despite her young age, she spoke very fluently, getting the message across in just a few sentences.