Chapter 45 Hypocritical Shande Hall_1

Upon leaving the Fuman Building, Lin Yuan immediately felt the sunlight was extraordinarily pleasant today. Having silver in hand really made a difference; her posture straightened up immediately. Just now, after leaving the elegant room, she even made a special trip to the latrine—not to relieve herself, but to discreetly divide the dozens of taels of silver. She stashed the bulk of it in a more intimate place and left only five silver pieces in an easily accessible spot, convenient for when she needed to buy things for the house later on.

However, the pressing matter at hand wasn't shopping, but selling. There was still a pack of goji berries in her basket that she hadn't sold. Even though she was no longer relying on selling goji berries to make money, she had dried them diligently over the past two days and felt uneasy about not turning them into some cash.