Chapter 57 Delicious Cold Skin Noodles (1)_1

Early the next morning, Lin Yuan took Xiao Linshuang to practice women self-defense skills for a while. Lin Wei had no interest in this and went straight to feed the rabbits. In just a few days, these little rabbits had already grown quite a bit. As Lin Yuan practiced, she watched the rabbits, and the flavor of braised rabbit meat had already sprung to mind.

Breakfast was rice porridge and meat buns. Lin Yuan had her mind set on Sister Gui Zhi's liangpi and hurriedly wolfed down a couple of bites before heading out. Xiao Linshuang, that little dog-nosed one, clearly also smelled the delicious food and followed closely behind her big sister like a Little Tail.

The sisters hadn't yet reached Sister Gui Zhi's house when they ran into her on the main road. They thought something unexpected had happened, but after asking, they found out she had been thinking about this matter and had come over early to call them.