Chapter 64 Annoying Rushing Guest(1)_1

Xiao He had been quietly watching the whole time; even after her parents went home, she didn't budge, her eyes fixed on the fishing rod in Xiao Linshuang's hands. To tell the truth, Lin Yuan wasn't particularly fond of this little girl—she was taciturn and always kept her head down. When she did look at someone, her eyes darted about evasively. However, Lin Yuan thought the girl had a good heart; there was no malice in her eyes. She probably became timid from the beatings from her father and with a mother who wasn't easy either, taking out her frustrations on her daughter after being hit by her husband. Consequently, Xiao He developed her timid and silent nature, living without the companionship of siblings.

Ah, she's a pitiable child.

After all, she was her own granddaughter. Although her third aunt was deeply hurt by her eldest son and daughter-in-law, she still loved the child. She immediately took Xiao He by the hand and, along with Xiao Shitou, went off to catch fish for fun.