Chapter 66 The Old Man Can Treat Illnesses (1)_1

Perhaps it was the sound of someone talking that alerted her, but when Lin Yuan walked into the hall carrying the fish soup, Lady Liu had already stepped out of the eastern room, clutching her belly and peering out, "Da Ya, who has come? Were you arguing with someone?"

"Mother, nobody special, just a passerby who wanted to beg for a bowl of water." Lin Yuan balanced the fish soup in one hand and supported Lady Liu's arm with the other into the house. Lin Wei and her sister wouldn't be able to hold off Lao Fan for long, so she hurried to have Lady Liu finish the soup as soon as possible.

Yet, they hadn't even reached the doorway when a commotion arose from behind—Lao Fan had already stomped his way inside, his spry appearance seriously making one doubt if his white hair and beard were just dyed!