Chapter 77 First Encounter Without Seeing The Face(1)_1

Lin Yuan cooked a total of five large pancakes. Lin Jiaxin ate one by himself, Lady Liu and Xiao Linshuang shared one, and Lin Wei split one with Xiao He. At first, Xiao He felt somewhat embarrassed, but coaxed by Xiao Linshuang, she even showed a rare smile.

Lin Yuan's appetite had increased recently; she ate more than half of a large pancake and consumed a big bowl of rice porridge with an egg. Lately, she had been feeling a fullness in her chest which she initially ignored. It was only in the past couple of days that she realized, could it be that her breasts were starting to develop?

Speaking of which, her body was really quite flat. Lin Siyu was only a couple of months older than her but already had a rounded chest, while she was still flat-chested and her period had not yet come. But now, with her hearty eating lately, she was finally starting to develop. As a woman, she felt a touch of excitement and pride in her heart.