Chapter 90 Earning Big Money with Tofu (2)_1

Lin Yuan curled her lips, quite curious about this Young Master. Managing to annoy Lao Fan to such an extent, he must definitely be an oddity!

Back to the main issue, Lao Fan ultimately did purchase the tofu, but that was limited to the recipes. As for the actual tofu itself, Lin Yuan was resolute in her decision not to sell it. She planned to make and sell it herself. Although the tofu crafting process wasn't very secretive and could perhaps be figured out by others in a month or two, when it came to the assorted accompanying products for the tofu, Lin Yuan had definitely got a head start over everyone else.

Originally, Lao Fan had intended to buy all her tofu, but Lin Yuan disagreed. She was determined to make her tofu business big, which meant she couldn't sell exclusively to Fuman Building, because then ordinary people wouldn't have access to it.

"One year! I want to buy all your tofu supplies for a year!" Lao Fan stretched out a finger, making his intentions clear.