Chapter 130 Sister, Please Use the Knife (2)_1

Xia Zheng's jaw was practically capable of swallowing two eggs.

Lin Yuan looked at the old man and the youngster before her, whose presence alone seemed to stir up trouble wherever they went, and with a stern face, she snapped, "Don't you two always fight when you meet? It's rare to see you on the same page today, isn't it!"

Xia Zheng quickly clamped his jaw shut and grunted at Lao Fan, "You irritating old man, so you lured me here on purpose just to have this little girl come at me with a knife? Fine then, you want to see a good show, huh? See if I don't spread the word about your whereabouts once I get back to the capital and we'll see how comfortably you can live in Zhuma Town after that!"

Whether intimidated by Lin Yuan's imposing manner or threatened by Xia Zheng's words, Lao Fan quickly retracted his neck and slipped away, "Little brat, I'm off first; handle things here as you see fit."