Chapter 136 Fierce Aunt Opens a Shop (2)_1

Lady Yang, a senior family member, was naturally unable to let things slide after being scolded by a girl of just about ten, and with her mother also siding with her own daughter and not intervening at all, Lady Yang was even more furious. On the spot, she pressured Lin Jiaxin to divorce his wife!

Fortunately, Lin Jiaxin adored his wife and volunteered to move out of the old family home, which gradually began to cool the relationship with his mother, Lady Yang.

Speaking of which, her aunt's ability to see through the true faces of those people so clearly was indeed an invaluable contribution. It's just that, ever since then, her aunt had sworn never to marry nor to have children. Grandma thought it was just angry words spoken in the heat of the moment. Yet, years had gone by, and she truly refused to engage in talks of marriage. Whenever a matchmaker came to the door, she promptly and fiercely sent them packing.