Chapter 157 Visiting the Mansion: Lin the Big Bluffer (1)_1

Several people took the Fuman Building's carriage and headed east. Although Lin Yuan had told Lao Fan to find a quieter place, it was still within Zhuma Town City, and such a place wasn't easy to find. However, to their surprise, the residence of Xia Zheng was really nice.

Even though they only traveled less than a quarter of an hour, there were already far fewer people here. There were fewer people, but the houses were not dilapidated; it wasn't a slum area of the town. It was clear that Xia Zheng had put in quite the effort.

Lin Yuan sneaked a peek at Xia Zheng, who was playing the finger-touching game with Xiao Linshuang. She had taught this game to her little sister, and now seeing the two of them enjoying themselves, she couldn't help but curve the corners of her mouth upwards.

"Young Master, Miss Lin, we have arrived," Liuzi announced as he stopped the carriage and lifted the curtain.