Chapter 176 Lin Dashuan Makes Trouble (1)_1

The blacksmith shop was already pretty popular before, but ever since Sister Guizhi set up her cold noodle stall, business around here got even better, attracting many more vendors as well. However, today, it seemed unusually bustling.

Just as she turned the corner, Lin Yuan saw that Sister Guizhi's cold noodle stall was encircled by several rows of people, virtually swamped, to the point that even the opposite blacksmith shop was surrounded, making it impenetrable.

Initially, she thought it was simply because business was booming, but the closer she got, the more something felt off. It seemed like there were quarreling voices coming from ahead.

Lin Yuan was startled and hastened her pace. Everything was fine when she came to place an order for white flour with Sister Guizhi in the morning; how could trouble have started in just a short while?

Indeed, there was trouble! And the person causing it wasn't someone else!