Chapter 182: Intimidating the Contractor (1)_1

She walked straight through the rear hall and saw nothing but people lying around resting, some of them even gathered together playing dice.

Lin Yuan's anger instantly flared up. She had spent a lot of money to hire people to work, and here they were, having fun on her dime? She strode over to the gamblers, kicked a bowl out of one man's hand, shattering it—the dice scattered in disarray. The man was about to shout in anger, but when he looked up and saw it was her, his face turned green as if he had just eaten dog shit.

"The, the boss is here."

Those sleeping were no longer sleeping, and those playing stopped their games. All scrambled to their feet and stood uneasily to one side. Of course, there were a few with too much pride who looked down on her; they snorted quietly and rolled their eyes covertly, murmuring under their breath.