Chapter 194: Receiving Favor with Little Shoes_1

Liu Siliang was indeed an expert in farming, and with just a few words to Lin Yuan, he had clearly explained the ins and outs of growing good vegetables.

As Lin Yuan listened, she couldn't help but feel impressed. Meanwhile, Xia Zheng suddenly interjected, "Uncle, do you know how to graft?"

Grafting? Lin Yuan raised an eyebrow, recalling the conversation about the fruit Shi Liu she had jokingly mentioned to Xia Zheng some days before. Could it be that this guy still hadn't let go of that Shi Liu?

Liu Siliang's somewhat tanned face froze, and he shook his head in bewilderment.

Xia Zheng quickly repeated to Liu Siliang what Lin Yuan had told him, and even detailed his own personal experiments—the failures, what materials were needed, and so on. Lin Yuan listened in surprise, inwardly marvelling at how meticulous and serious he was. She had mentioned it in passing, never expecting him to actually put in so much effort.